Scientific Student Society "Parostok"

The Scientific Student Society "Parostok" of the Volyn Scientific Lyceum of the Volyn Regional Council (hereinafter referred to as the NUT) is a form of scientific and research association of the research and experimental direction of children and youth of the Volyn Scientific Lyceum of the Volyn Regional Council.

The Society is guided in its activities by the Constitution of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine “On General Secondary Education”, “On Extracurricular Education”, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, including the Regulations approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated November 10, 2014 No. 1287 “On Approval of the Regulations on Student Scientific Societies”, the Charter of the Volyn Scientific Lyceum of the Volyn Regional Council, approved by the order of the Chairman of the Volyn Regional Council dated August 08, 2018 No. 182 “On Approval of the Charter of the Volyn Scientific Lyceum of the Volyn Regional Council (new edition)”, etc.

NUT is a branch of the Volyn branch of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, which carries out its general coordination of activities.

The activities of the NUT are based on the principles of voluntariness, self-government, accessibility, legality, and transparency. NUTs are free to choose the areas of their activity.

The purpose of NUT activities is to ensure the intellectual, spiritual, and creative development of student youth.

The main tasks of NUTs are:

· formation of a scientific and educational environment in the Volyn Scientific Lyceum of the Volyn Regional Council with the participation of students, pedagogical and scientific and pedagogical workers, representatives of other interested organizations and institutions;

· involvement of student youth in in-depth study of academic disciplines, branches of science, technology, and culture;

· formation of motivation and interest in scientific activity in the student environment;

· creation of conditions for organizing educational, research, and scientific and search work of students;

· involvement of student youth in active participation in the activities of sections, circles, and other creative associations;

· mastering by student youth modern methods and forms of organizing and conducting independent scientific research;

· formation of basic research competencies in students in the process of scientific research;

· increasing the prestige of scientific knowledge and scientific creativity among young people;

· implementation of professional orientation of gifted students;

· creation of conditions for self-education and self-development of students;

· development of student governance;

· propaganda and popularization of scientific knowledge.

Students of the Volyn Scientific Lyceum of the Volyn Regional Council who are engaged in scientific research, search, experimental activities under the guidance of pedagogical, scientific-pedagogical and scientific workers can become members of the NUT.

Members of the NUT have the right to:

independently choose the direction of scientific research in accordance with their interests;

· carry out research in the selected scientific section (scientific sections);

· work in one or more scientific sections;

· receive the necessary methodological and organizational assistance from scientific supervisors;

· use the material and technical base of the Volyn Scientific Lyceum of the Volyn Regional Council for conducting research;

· publish scientific articles on the progress and results of research (on the recommendation of the NUT Council);

· participate in NUT events;

· be presented for recognition for active work and achieved creative successes;

· elect and be elected to the NUT Council or NUT meetings;

· make proposals for improving the work of the NUT;

· voluntarily leave the NUT.

The activities of the NUT can be organized in the following forms:

· circles and other creative associations that operate throughout the year on the basis of the Volyn Scientific Lyceum of the Volyn Regional Council;

· individual and group work of NUT members under the guidance of pedagogical, scientific-pedagogical, scientific workers, specialists, etc.;

· collective work of creative groups, expeditions, camp meetings, summer scientific schools, lectures, etc.;

· electives and special courses;

· mobile educational laboratories;

· full-time and part-time schools and consultation points;

· mobile creative laboratories;

· distance and virtual learning;

· intellectual competitions in various fields of knowledge.

NUT conducts educational activities among students of the Volyn Scientific Lyceum of the Volyn Regional Council, popularizes its activities. The educational activities of NUT are aimed at implementing the tasks of training, education and development of NUT members, stimulating their intellectual and creative self-improvement.